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Research in the Pilhofer Lab

We investigate macromolecular machines mediating bacterial cell-cell interactions, by integrating information from the molecular to the cellular and intercellular scale. Our key technique is cryo-electron tomography, applied in an interdisciplinary approach. Read more

Join the Pilhofer Lab

Contact for possibilities to work on exciting projects as Postdoc, PhD student or undergraduate researcher.

Research in the Weiss Sub-Group

We are interested in the etiology of urinary tract infections (UTI) and aim to unravel the multifaceted lifecycle of pathogenic bacteria during an infection. We use an integrative imaging approach to bridge between cell culture and patient samples. Read more


09/2024 | Chip successfully defended his PhD thesis - congrats!
07/2024 | Davide Amendola started as PhD student in the lab - welcome!
07/2024 | The Human Biology Class from the HCA-Gymnasium in Sulzbach-Rosenberg visited the lab
03/2024 | Good news from ETH Rat!
02/2024 | 10 year lab anniversary
02/2024 | Fabian Eisenstein started as Research Scientist in the lab - welcome!
02/2024 | Yun-Wei successfully defended her PhD thesis - congrats!
11/2023 | Tobias successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
11/2023 | Congrats to Miki for successfully passing the PhD defense!
09/2023 | Jannik successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
06/2023 | The Human Biology Class from the external page HCA-Gymnasium in Sulzbach-Rosenberg visited the lab
04/2023 | Miriam Weber started as PostDoc in the lab - welcome!
09/2022 | Welcome to the lab: Jessie Malit
07/2022 | Anastasiia Kokhanovska joined the lab - welcome Nastya!
01/2022 | Welcome to the lab: Marlen Petersen
07/2021 | Karolina Roganowicz joined the lab - welcome Karolina!
12/2020 | Martin receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
12/2020 | Fabian is leaving the lab and we wish him all the best as Postdoc in the external page Danev lab
11/2020 | Congratulations to Piotr for his PhD fellowship from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds!
11/2020 | Lee Rettberg joined the lab - welcome Lee!
10/2020 | Gregor successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations, Greg!
09/2020 | Welcome to the lab: Nikolai Petrosian
09/2020 | Welcome to the lab: Florian Wollweber
09/2020 | Vasil Gaisin started as PostDoc in the lab - welcome!
08/2020 | Congrats to Fabian passing his PhD defense!
07/2020 | Check out our story on protection against external page urinary tract infections
06/2020 | Vasil's paper on cryoET of Chloroflexi is external page out
05/2020 | Our collaboration with Wolf Hardt's lab has been external page published
03/2020 | Our paper on automated cryoFIB milling has been external page published
02/2020 | Welcome to the lab: Piotr Tokarz
12/2019 | Miki Feldmüller started as PhD in the lab - welcome!
11/2019 | Corina Hadjicharalambous joined the lab - welcome!
11/2019 | Romain is leaving the lab - we wish him all the best in his diverse future endeavors
10/2019 | Désirée is leaving the lab and we wish her all the best as Postdoc in the Schwank lab
10/2019 | Welcome to the lab: Armin Picenoni
10/2019 | Read our paper on automated cryoFIB milling on external page BioRxiv
09/2019 | Check out our external page new paper identifying a tube-delivered metamorphosis-inducing effector 
08/2019 | Fabian's fast tomography paper is external page out!
07/2019 | Greg's paper on cyanobacterial septal junctions is external page online
07/2019 | Congratulations to Chip for his Master project being external page published
05/2019 | Good news from ETH Rat!
05/2019 | Romain successfully defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!
05/2019 | The Human Biology Class from the external page HCA-Gymnasium in Sulzbach-Rosenberg visited the lab
05/2019 | The lab went on a scientific retreat to external page Villa Garbald in Grisons
04/2019 | Piotr is leaving the lab and we wish him much success starting his external page independent group!
04/2019 | Check out Piotr's T6SS story on external page bidirectional firing!
03/2019 | Romain's paper on the T6SS transenvelope complex is external page online
03/2019 | Yun-Wei Lien joined the lab - welcome!
02/2019 | Congrats to Désirée for passing her PhD defense!
01/2019 | Martin interviewed by the external page Laborjournal
11/2018 | Martin is now external page EMBO Young Investigator
11/2018 | Charles Ericson joined the lab - welcome!
11/2018 | Tobias Zachs joined the lab - welcome!
10/2018 | Congrats to João for passing his PhD defense!
10/2018 | Welcome to the lab: Elena Tönshoff
09/2018 | Welcome to the lab: Jannik Hugener
09/2018 | Our "CryoEM of bacterial secretion systems" review is external page online
08/2018 | Our collaborative paper with Lu Gan's lab is external page online
08/2018 | Jingwei Xu joined the lab - welcome!
06/2018 | Titan Krios II was shipped to ETH 
06/2018 | Bastien Casu joined the lab - welcome!
04/2018 | João's and Désirée's FIB methods paper came external page out
12/2017 | João's and Désirée's review is external page online
11/2017 | Congratulations to Kasia for her ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship
09/2017 | Fabian's collaboration with Masa Toyofuku and Leo Eberl has been external page published
08/2017 | Désirée's and João's multibarrel-gun paper is external page out
07/2017 | Gregor's methods paper is external page out
01/2017 | Congratulations to Gregor for his Boehringer Ingelheim PhD Fellowship
01/2017 | Started the ERC Starting grant

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